Quick contacts
Technical support, complaints
+420 737 230 408
Requests for spare parts
+420 465 352 704
Print finishing equipment
Transport, shipments, dispatch of machines
Cooperation with suppliers
Electronic invoicing, payment information
Opening hours of the main branch
Outside of business hours, please contact us via the designated email or phone number. A recorded voicemail message is available for service.
Day | Time |
Monday | 6:00 – 15:00 |
Tuesday | 6:00 – 15:00 |
Wednesday | 6:00 – 15:00 |
Thursday | 6:00 – 15:00 |
Friday | 6:00 – 15:00 |
Upcoming public holidays in the Czech Republic.
Please note that KOMFI will be closed on the following days in 2024.
01.01 (Monday) – New Year’s Day. Restoration Day of the Independent Czech State
29.03 (Friday) – Good Friday
01.04 (Monday) – Easter Monday
01.05 (Wednesday) – Labour Day
08.05 (Wednesday) – Liberation Day
05.07 (Friday) – St. Cyril and Methodius Day
06.07 (Saturday) – Jan Hus Day
28.09 (Saturday) – St. Wenceslas Day (Czech Statehood Day)
28.10 (Monday) – Independent Czechoslovak State Day
17.11 (Sunday) – Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
24.12 (Tuesday) – Christmas Eve
25.12 (Wednesday) – Christmas Day
26.12 (Thursday) – Boxing Day
KOMFI spol. s.r.o.
Dvořákova 1001
563 01 Lanškroun
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 465 352 711
Email: info@komfi.cz
Contact persons at Komfi
In 1994, the company´s owner decided to start manufacturing machines and the company started to rapidly expand. Manufacturing started in the operations plant in Svébohov. This plant is still in use even though it looks nothing like it did when the company first moved in. In the years that followed, we added more capacity in Litomyšl and Nové Město na Moravě. As a consequence, the number of people employed grew to the current level of 200.
Karel Matějček
Petr Matějček
General Manager, CEO
Tel.: +420 465 352 738
Email: pmatejcek@komfi.cz
Jana Slováková
Sales and Marketing Director
Tel.: +420 465 352 735
Mob.: +420 603 894 636
Email: jslovakova@komfi.cz
Jiří Krňávek
Area Sales Manager
Tel.: +420 465 352 719
Mob.: +420 731 192 443
Email: jkrnavek@komfi.cz
Canada, USA, Mexico, Central America , South America, Australia, New Zaeland, Japan, Singapore
Pavel Stránský
Area Sales Manager
Tel.: +420 465 352 725
Mob.: +420 603 732 101
Email: pstransky@komfi.cz
Northern Europe (Scandinavia), Eastern Europe, Middle east and Africa
František Šustr
Area Sales Manager
Mob.: +420 737 230 425
Email: fsustr@komfi.cz
Czech Republic, Slovakia
André Hilkens
Manager Komfi Europe
Email: ahilkens@komfieurope.com
Gregor Hartl
Area Sales Manager
Email: office@komfi.at
Austria, Asia, South East Europe
Tereza Slavíková
Sales area manager
Product specialist
Tel: +420 465 352 749
Mob: +420 737 230 419
Email: tslavikova@komfi.cz
Belgium, France, Portugal, Spain
Michaela Hajzlerová
Sales Support
Tel.: +420 465 352 763
Mob.: +420 737 230 405
Email: mhajzlerova@komfi.cz
Karel Jelínek
Planning Manager
Tel.: +420 465 352 736
Mob.: +420 737 230 426
Email: kjelinek@komfi.cz
Dagmar Jelínková
Accounting Manager
Tel.: +420 465 352 715
Mob.: +420 605 420 484
Email: djelinkova@komfi.cz
Oldřich Brýdl
Technical Director
Tel.: +420 465 352 722
Mob.: +420 737 230 407
Email: obrydl@komfi.cz
Josef Švéda
Production Director
Tel.: +420 465 352 767
Mob.: +420 737 230 411
Email: jsveda@komfi.cz
Zuzana Krystlová
Purchasing Manager
Tel.: +420 465 352 764
Mob.: +420 737 230 421
Email: zkrystlova@komfi.cz
Kateřina Štarmanová
Spare Parts Coordinator
Tel.: +420 465 352 704
Email: parts@komfi.cz
Zdeněk Ryznar
Head of Assembly
Tel.: +420 465 352 723
Email: zryznar@komfi.cz
Rostislav Kvíčala
Branch Manager and Construction Manager
Nové Město na Moravě
Tel.: +420 563 031 512
Mob.: +420 737 230 415
Email: rkvicala@komfi.cz
Antonín Karásek
Service Manager
Tel.: +420 465 352 758
Email: service@komfi.cz
Dealer locator
Other offices
Branch office
KOMFI Europe B.V.
Odalaan 44
6129 HX Urmond
The Netherlands
Email: info@komfieurope.cz
Branch office
KOMFI spol. s r.o.
Weidlinger Strasse 17/20
3400 Klosterneuburg
Tel.: +43 69913081804
Email: office@komfi.at
KOMFI spol. s r.o.
Svébohov 171
789 01 Zábřeh
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 583 411 122, 123
Email: info@komfi.cz
KOMFI spol. s r.o.
Partyzánská 515
570 01 Litomyšl
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 461 618 561
Email: info@komfi.cz
KOMFI spol. s r.o.
Soškova 1357
592 31 Nové Město na Moravě
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 563 031 511
Email: info@komfi.cz